Congress Center Andorra

Concerts in the auditorium


The room acoustics system makes it possible

Concerts in the congress center? No problem at the Centre de Congressos in Andorra. The installed ACS system transforms the Convention Center from an auditorium into a concert arena at the push of a button. The room remains the same, and so does the sound system. Thus, the room becomes a stage with many different purposes.

ACS has been installed in many different venues, large and small, to improve the acoustics for performers and audience and to make the acoustics variable. The desired acoustics at the push of a button. ACS can make rooms more reverberant, add early energy for clarity and detail, improve the acoustical intimacy of larger halls, make halls suited for multiple applications, create a true concert halls at a places you would not expect, etc.

Learn more here

ACS Convention Center Andorra
